AMAPCEO's various collective agreements all contain a process for resolving workplace issues, complaints and formal disputes in the workplace. These dispute resolution processes have all been designed to encourage informal resolutions of complaints, both before the complaint is formally disputed and during the formal dispute resolution process itself.
The Waypoint Collective Agreement has a four stage dispute resolution process which includes: the Informal Stage; Stage One; Stage Two and Referral to Arbitration -- see Article 15.
Filing Deadlines
It is the employee's responsibility to initiate a dispute within the allotted time frames. We encourage you to involve your local Workplace Representative.
Day 1: The Event that has lead to the alleged breach of the Collective Agreement and /or an Employer policy, directive or guideline, and/or legislation or a regulation.
TIP: In some circumstances, the specific “event” that triggers the dispute may not be clear since the dispute may be caused by an accumulation of smaller events. It is then necessary to determine what specific point in a progression of events will be identified as the dispute.
Working Day 1-30: The employee attempts to resolve the issue at the Informal Resolution Stage, with or without the assistance of AMAPCEO representation
Working Day 30: Employee’s deadline to submit the Formal Stage One dispute
TIP: Employees will need to complete the Stage One Dispute Form with their Workplace Representative, and email or fax the form to their manager with a copy to the employee’s AMAPCEO Workplace Advisor.
Working Day 37: Employer’s deadline to meet with the employee and to provide a written decision on the Stage One dispute - within seven (7) working days of receiving the Stage One dispute
TIP: Employees have the right to have an AMAPCEO Workplace Representative present at the Stage One meeting.
Working Day 57: AMAPCEO’s deadline to submit the Formal Stage Two dispute - i.e. to take “carriage” of the dispute on behalf of the complainant - within 20 working days of receiving the Employer’s denial of the Stage One dispute.
Working Day 72: Employer’s deadline to meet with the employee and AMAPCEO – within 15 working days of receiving the Stage Two dispute.
Working Day 79: Employer’s deadline to provide a written decision on the Stage Two dispute – within seven (7) working days of the Stage Two meeting.
Working Day 94: AMAPCEO’s deadline to file for Arbitration or Mediation - within 15 working days of receiving the Employer’s decision at Stage Two.
N.B.: These timelines are subject to mutual agreements between the parties under article 15.4.5.