Values statement
As Ontario’s Professional Employees, we commit to representing and supporting our members by:
- maintaining the highest degree of professionalism and integrity;
- demonstrating our commitment to democracy, fairness, diversity, equity, honesty, openness, and continuous improvement;
- acting in a respectful manner with a social conscience;
- working as an inclusive and dedicated team to achieve our common goals and strategic priorities; and
- inspiring and influencing problem-solving, collaboration, and innovation in defence of public service and advancing workers’ rights.
Cornerstones, pillars, and priorities

Building on a Strong Foundation: 2021-2025 Strategic Plan is based on a foundation of four “cornerstone” functions key to our union’s success:
- Labour Relations
- Member Engagement
- Outreach
- Governance & Operations
Each cornerstone is supported by related “pillars” that are fundamental to the overall function (cornerstone).
Each pillar, in turn, consists of strategic “priorities” or actions that enable achievement of the pillar.
Cornerstone #1: Labour Relations
To continually improve upon our members’ terms and conditions of employment; to provide the best possible defence of our members and their contracts; to advocate for workplace enhancements between bargaining sessions; and to protect the health, safety, and wellness of all members.
- Bargaining Pillar
- Dispute Resolution
- Employee Relations
- Health, Safety & Wellness
Cornerstone #2: Member Engagement
To engage our members by demonstrating the value and relevance of our union; to continue to explore new and innovative ways to deliver education in various formats, including the consideration of changing demographics and diversity of our membership; to recruit and train our activists to build our capacity; to strategically mobilize our increasingly engaged member and activist bases in support of bargaining; and to grow our numbers through the organizing of new professional workplaces.
- Engagement
- Education
- Mobilization
- Organizing
Cornerstone #3: Outreach
To build trust with our members in how we inform and represent them; to build strategic relationships with allies; to professionally advocate with decision-makers; and to develop, design and carry out campaigns in support of our causes and in defense of our contracts.
- Member Communications
- Allies
- Advocacy
Cornerstone #4: Governance and Operations
To create linkages and synergies between the Board and staff; to enhance good governance practices and operational efficiency; to ensure sound budgeting, planning, and risk management; to oversee centralized governance and activist events; and to build upon the union’s inclusive and equitable organizational culture through the integration of AMAPCEO’s Equity Lens.
- Governance
- Operations
- Organization