Donations and Sponsorships
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AMAPCEO Donations and Sponsorships
AMAPCEO has had a formal outreach and sponsorship program since 2011, in support of its long-standing strategic objectives of increasing our profile and building strategic alliances. This has been identified as an objective in AMAPCEO’s annual strategic plans dating back to approximately 2009.
In AMAPCEO’s current strategic plan “Building on a Strong Foundation” (2021–2025), the program is discussed as part of Cornerstone #3: Outreach.
AMAPCEO’s donations and sponsorship program focuses on organizations that provide:
- progressive, pro-public service and pro-union research and advocacy;
- opportunities for AMAPCEO to raise its profile among fellow trade unions and progressive organizations; and/or
- opportunities for AMAPCEO to influence future leaders and decision-makers.
AMAPCEO receives many more funding requests each year then it can support.
Donations and sponsorships are evaluated on an ongoing basis against AMAPCEO’s strategic objectives, including to what extent does the sponsorship or sponsored organization:
- provide progressive public policy research and shape public opinion in favour of a strong, independent, professional public service, economic fairness, and unions;
- help combat attacks on public services and workers;
- promote strong civil society organizations that are allies to public services and unions;
- provide education and development opportunities for leaders and activists; and/or
- provide opportunities to showcase AMAPCEO’s reputation as the union of choice for professionals.
AMAPCEO's Executive Committee or Board of Directors has approved the following donations and sponsorships.
- 2020 Toronto Pride (from the Pride Caucus): $4,302
- Pride Toronto is a festival that celebrates and advocates for the diverse 2SLGBTQI+ communities, creating and supporting events and programming that celebrate diverse talents, stories and achievements. AMAPCEO has been a longtime sponsor of Pride Toronto and aligns with the festival’s goal of advocating for and defending human rights of all 2SLGBTQI+ communities.
- Broadbent Institute: $60,000
- The Broadbent Institute is Canada’s leading progressive public policy think tank and advocacy organization. Its mission is to provide progressive public policy options, counterbalance right wing narratives, and train future leaders. AMAPCEO has been a sponsor of the Institute since 2014, and this amount represents the second installment of a multi-year funding agreement.
- Bromley Armstrong Awards: $1,500
- This year, AMAPCEO sponsored the Bromley Armstrong Awards, an annual fundraiser for the Centre. The annual Bromley Armstrong Awards Dinner recognizes the efforts of outstanding trade unionists working towards equity and human rights in the greater Toronto area. Named after veteran activist Bromley L. Armstrong, the award reflects his pioneering spirit in tackling racism and discrimination for over half a century.
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives: $15,000
- The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives' Ontario Office is one of the country’s leading progressive public policy think tanks. The Centre works to promote progressive economic and public policy proposals and media commentary. AMAPCEO first sponsored the Centre in 2013.
- Community Food Centres Canada: $15,000
- With more than 400 partners across the country, Community Food Centres Canada build inclusive, culturally responsive Community Food Centres, share knowledge, create health-focused programs, and advocate for equitable policy change. AMAPCEO has recently approved a donation to this organization on a two-year term.
- DemocracyXChange: $5,000
- AMAPCEO sponsored DemocracyXChange for the first time in 2024. The event brings together students, researchers, practitioners, public servants, community organizers, and leaders from the private, public and not-for-profit sectors, to learn and engage with new partners, plan, and work towards strengthening democratic institutions and civil society.
- Douglas-Coldwell-Layton Foundation: $25,000
- The Douglas-Coldwell Layton Foundation is an independent, progressive, charitable think-tank that conducts research and provides educational programs and grants to advance a vision for a Canada where no one is left behind. AMAPCEO entered a multi-year funding agreement with the foundation.
- Equal Voice Foundation: $25,000
- Equal Voice is a national, member-based, multi-partisan organization that advocates for the equal representation of women and gender-diverse candidates in Canada's Parliament, in provincial and territorial legislatures, and on municipal and band councils.
- Feed Ontario: $15,000
Feed Ontario is Ontario’s largest collective of hunger-relief organizations and together with food banks, industry partners, and local communities, the organization works to end hunger and poverty by delivering fresh and healthy food, developing innovative programming, and driving change through research and advocacy. AMAPCEO has recently approved a donation to this organization on a two-year term.
- Franco.Noire: $10,000
FrancoNoir.e, is a free virtual French-Language Training for Black OPS employees. This training is open to all non-French speakers in the OPS, and those who are interested in improving their French-language skills. This is the third time that AMAPCEO has sponsored this program.
- Harry Jerome Awards: $5,000
- The Harry Jerome Awards celebrate achievement in the Black-Canadian community and promotes the advancement of the Black-Canadian community in the areas of education, economic and entrepreneurial development, and young professional training and development.
- Inside Out Film Festival: $2,500
- Inside Out is Ontario’s leading LGBTQ+ film festival. Inside Out “Exists to challenge attitudes and change lives through the promotion, production and exhibition of film and video made by and about lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people of all ages, races and abilities."
- LEAF: $10,000
- LEAF has a dual mission of providing public education and awareness of about substantive equality rights for women, and promoting equality through public-interest litigation. AMAPCEO is sponsoring their Equality Day Gala for the ninth time.
- Mayworks Festival: $5,000
- Mayworks Festival curates and presents artistically compelling projects through an annual multidisciplinary arts festival. Programming reflects the reality of working people’s lives and supports the struggles for better living and working conditions. The Festival works with a diverse community of activists, artists and workers who engage in creative and bold critical responses to pressing issues at the intersection of art, social justice and labour.
- Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses: $15,000
The Ontario Association of Interval & Transition Houses is a coalition of first stage emergency women's shelters, 2nd stage housing organizations and community-based women organizations who work towards ending violence against all women. AMAPCEO has recently approved a donation to this organization on a two-year term.
- Ontario Black History Society 36th Annual Black History Month Kick Off: $1,400
Founded in 1978, the Ontario Black History Society (OBHS), is the organization in Canada that is at the forefront in the celebration of Black history and heritage with a demonstrated record in the study, preservation and promotion of Black history in Ontario. The OBHS is also the only Ontario Provincial Heritage Organization of the Ministry of Culture devoted to Black history and heritage.
Public Service International (PSI) Regional Solidarity Fund: $5,000
Public Services International (PSI) is a Global Union Federation of more than 700 trade unions representing 30 million workers in 154 countries. The Federation brings voices to the United Nations, the International Labour Organization, the World Health Organization and other regional and global organizations; defends trade union and workers' rights; and fights for universal access to quality public services.
- The Art of Leadership for Women 2024 event: $2750
- The Art of Leadership for Women responds to the fundamental changes in today’s evolving business landscape. From practical tips, to innovative strategies, The Art of Leadership for Women is designed to teach new ways of thinking while providing essential connections and knowledge that will help women advance and flourish in their careers.
- The Institute for Democratic Leadership (Toronto Metropolitan University): $5,000
The Institute of Democratic Leadership and Participation focuses on bringing unique leadership and democratic opportunities for Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) students. Using existing programs and initiatives, the goal of the program is to integrate student and community engagement, experiential learning, and applied research to enhance existing programs, engage in investment of resources, and explore new frontiers related to democratic leadership and participation.
- The Walrus Gala: $2,500
- The Walrus provokes new thinking and sparks conversation on matters vital to Canadians. They publish independent, fact-based journalism, produce national, ideas-focused events, and train emerging professionals in publishing and nonprofit management. The Walrus is invested in the idea that a healthy society relies on informed citizens.
- TYRLC Chinese Workers Network Lunar New Year Celebration: $1,000
- The Chinese Workers Network (CWN), as part of the Diverse Workers Network supported by the Toronto and York Region Labour Council (TYRLC) celebrate Lunar New Year each year with a banquet and educational event.
- Workers Action Centre: $15,000
- The Workers’ Action Centre (WAC) is a worker-based organization committed to improving the lives and working conditions of people in low-wage and unstable employment. WAC members are recent immigrants, workers of colour, women, men, and youth, and consist of those who work in small workplaces, are temporary workers, on contract, independent contractors or unemployed. AMAPCEO has recently approved a donation to this organization on a two-year term.
- Yonge Street Mission: $15,000
- Yonge Street Mission (YSM) offers holistic programs and a pathway to transform the lives of people experiencing poverty in Toronto, taking them from merely surviving to wonderfully thriving. AMAPCEO has recently approved a donation to this organization on a two-year term.
- ACORN Toronto: $5,000
- Toronto ACORN is the largest chapter of the national advocacy group, whose work focuses on organizing low and moderate income people and tenants. ACORN is recognized in progressive circles as one of the most innovative and hard working organizing groups. ACORN is an important part of the fabric of progressive organizing in Ontario – a training ground for countless progressive organizers and advocates, and an ally to progressive causes and trade unions.
- Broadbent Institute: $60,000
- The Broadbent Institute is Canada’s leading progressive public policy think tank and advocacy organization. Its mission is to provide progressive public policy options, counterbalance right wing narratives, and train future leaders. AMAPCEO has been a sponsor of the Institute since 2014, and this year marks the first year of a new multi-year agreement to sponsor the institute.
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives' Ontario Office: $10,000
- The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives' Ontario Office is one of the country’s leading progressive public policy think tanks. The Centre works to promote progressive economic and public policy proposals and media commentary. AMAPCEO first sponsored the Centre in 2013.
- Community Food Centres Canada: $10,000
- With more than 400 partners across the country, we build inclusive, culturally responsive Community Food Centres, share knowledge, create health-focused programs, and advocate for equitable policy change.
- Canadian Labour International Film Festival (CLiFF): $1,500
- The Canadian Labour International Film Festival tells the stories of workers – unionised and non-unionised. CLiFF is the stage and the voice of those who seek justice on the job and dignity in their workplace.
- Canadian Red Cross Middle East Humanitarian Crisis Appeal: $10,000
- The Canadian Red Cross is supporting the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement efforts to alleviate suffering and provide humanitarian assistance for people affected by the ongoing and escalating October 2023 crisis in the Middle East. Support will be used for lifesaving interventions, ongoing relief efforts, and other critical humanitarian activities as needs arise. All humanitarian efforts of the Red Cross Red Crescent are guided by our seven fundamental principles including humanity, neutrality, and impartiality.
- Douglas-Coldwell Layton Foundation: $25,000
The Douglas-Coldwell Layton Foundation is an independent, progressive, charitable think-tank that conducts research and provides educational programs and grants to advance a vision for a Canada where no one is left behind.
- Equal Voice Foundation: $10, 0000; Equal Voice Foundation's International Women’s Day Celebration: $5,000
- Equal Voice is a national, member-based, multi-partisan organization that advocates for the equal representation of women and gender-diverse candidates in Canada's Parliament, in provincial and territorial legislatures, and on municipal and band councils.
- Feed Ontario: $10,000
- With more than 400 partners across the country, we build inclusive, culturally responsive Community Food Centres, share knowledge, create health-focused programs, and advocate for equitable policy change.
- FrancoNoir.e: $5,000
- FrancoNoir.e, is a free virtual French-Language Training for Black OPS employees. This training is open to all non-French speakers in the OPS, and those who are interested in improving their French-language skills. This is the second time that AMAPCEO has sponsored this program.
- Harry Jerome Awards: $3,500
- The Harry Jerome Awards celebrate achievement in the Black-Canadian community and promotes the advancement of the Black-Canadian community in the areas of education, economic and entrepreneurial development, and young professional training and development.
- Inside Out: $2,500
Inside Out is Ontario’s leading LGBTQ+ film festival. Inside Out “Exists to challenge attitudes and change lives through the promotion, production and exhibition of film and video made by and about lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people of all ages, races and abilities.” This year's festival will run in-person and online from May 26–June 5.
Institute for Future Legislators (Toronto Metropolitan University): $2,000
Institute for Future Legislators immerses students into the workings of Canada's legislature through workshops featuring industry leaders like MPs and journalists, allowing participants to learn from their experiences. The aim of the program is to help foster future legislators who better reflect the diversity of our communities and country, including the representation of working people.
- Institute of Public Administration Canada (IPAC): $20,000
- The Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) is Canada’s leading professional organization supporting excellence in the country’s public sector. With 19 regional groups across the nation, their members include public servants, academics and others interested in public administration.
- LEAF (Women's Legal Education & Action Fund): $10,000
LEAF has a dual mission of providing public education and awareness of about substantive equality rights for women, and promoting equality through public-interest litigation. AMAPCEO is sponsoring their Equality Day Gala for the eighth time.
- Mayworks Festival: $5,000
- Mayworks Festival curates and presents artistically compelling projects through an annual multidisciplinary arts festival. Programming reflects the reality of working people’s lives and supports the struggles for better living and working conditions. The Festival works with a diverse community of activists, artists and workers who engage in creative and bold critical responses to pressing issues at the intersection of art, social justice and labour.
- Ontario Association of Interval & Transition Houses: $10,000
- The Ontario Association of Interval & Transition Houses is a coalition of first stage emergency women's shelters, second stage housing organizations and community-based women organizations who work towards ending violence against all women. It achieves this through training, education, advocacy, public awareness and government relations. Its individual member organizations offer a range of supports, services and advocacy for women and their children fleeing violence.
- Ontario Black History Society's 35th Annual Brunch - Black History Month: $540
- Founded in 1978, the Ontario Black History Society (OBHS), is the organization in Canada that is at the forefront in the celebration of Black history and heritage with a demonstrated record in the study, preservation and promotion of Black history in Ontario. The OBHS is also the only Ontario Provincial Heritage Organization of the Ministry of Culture devoted to Black history and heritage.
- Ontario Legislature Internship Programme (OLIP): $10,000
- The Ontario Legislature Internship Programme (OLIP) was established in 1975 and is administered by the Canadian Political Science Association and supported by a financial grant from the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. OLIP is a non-partisan organization and is not associated with the Government of Ontario nor with any political party.
- Pearson Centre for Progressive Policy: $30,000
- The Pearson Centre for Progressive Policy describes itself as “Canada’s forum for progressive, centrist, and future-focused innovative ideas." Under the leadership of Chair Sandra Pupatello, the centre conducts research and advocacy to advance policy. AMAPCEO President Dave Bulmer is a regular panelist on Pearson Centre events.
- Progress Toronto: $5,000
Progress Toronto is a not-for-profit organization that advocates and organizes for a more democratic, socially just, and progressive city. Founded in 2018, Progress Toronto works to build democratic power by running and supporting issue-based campaigns that put progressive solutions onto the agenda.
- The Walrus Gala: $10,000
The Walrus provokes new thinking and sparks conversation on matters vital to Canadians. They publish independent, fact-based journalism, produce national, ideas-focused events, and train emerging professionals in publishing and nonprofit management. The Walrus is invested in the idea that a healthy society relies on informed citizens. For two decades, Canadians have relied on our thought-provoking journalism to make sense of the world.
- Women in the House (Toronto Metropolitan University): $10,000
- The Women in the House program is Canada’s first and only experiential for-credit undergraduate and graduate course that equips participants with both a theoretical and practical understanding of women in Canadian politics and intersectional policymaking processes. The centre piece of the program is the opportunity to shadow a woman MP and her staff in Ottawa, seeing first-hand what it means to be a woman leader. The program is multi-partisan and engages with all main political parties in Ottawa.
- Workers Action Centre: $10,000
- The Workers’ Action Centre (WAC) is a worker-based organization committed to improving the lives and working conditions of people in low-wage and unstable employment. Thousands of working families are struggling to make ends meet, so the WAC takes action and organize for decent work.
- Yonge Street Mission: $10,000
- Since 1896, YSM has provided wraparound support and services making it possible for individuals, families and communities to move forward. As a developmental agency specializing in poverty-related challenges, it works closely with individuals, families, children, youth, and entire communities living with chronic poverty. Its aim is to help them rise out of poverty.
- Toronto ACORN: $5,000
- Toronto ACORN is the largest chapter of the national advocacy group, whose work focuses on organizing low and moderate income people and tenants. ACORN is recognized in progressive circles as one of the most innovative and hard working organizing groups. ACORN is an important part of the fabric of progressive organizing in Ontario – a training ground for countless progressive organizers and advocates, and an ally to progressive causes and trade unions.
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives' Ontario Office: $10,000
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives' Ontario Office is one of the country’s leading progressive public policy think tanks. The Centre works to promote progressive economic and public policy proposals and media commentary. AMAPCEO first sponsored the Centre in 2013.
- Canadian Red Cross - Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis: $10,000
- The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is responding to humanitarian needs generated by almost eight years of conflict, as well as preparedness and response efforts due to heightened tensions in Ukraine. The support includes preparedness, immediate and ongoing relief efforts, long-term recovery, resiliency, and other critical humanitarian activities as needs arise, both in Ukraine and surrounding countries, including supporting populations displaced.
- Equal Voice: $10,000
- Equal Voice is a national, member-based, multi-partisan organization that advocates for the equal representation of women and gender-diverse candidates in Canada's Parliament, in provincial and territorial legislatures, and on municipal and band councils.
- Inside Out: $2,500
- Inside Out is Ontario’s leading LGBTQ+ film festival. Inside Out “Exists to challenge attitudes and change lives through the promotion, production and exhibition of film and video made by and about lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people of all ages, races and abilities.” This year's festival will run in-person and online from May 26–June 5.
- Institute for Future Legislators at Toronto Metropolitan University: $7,500
- The Institute offers intensive, hands-on mentoring and training from current and former legislators, senior civil servants, high-profile journalists and successful advocates. The program, which runs over three weekends in May and June, culminates in a trip to Ottawa (pandemic permitting) and where participants put their learning into practice in an intensive parliamentary simulation.
- Institute of Public Administration Canada (IPAC): $20,000
- The Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) is Canada’s leading professional organization supporting excellence in the country’s public sector. With 19 regional groups across the nation, their members include public servants, academics and others interested in public administration.
- Labour Community Services: $1,500
- The Labour Education Centre is a project of the Toronto & York Region Labour Council. The Centre provides educational resources and skills training, including employment services. This year, AMAPCEO sponsored the Bromley Armstrong Awards, an annual fundraiser for the Centre. The annual Bromley Armstrong Award Dinner recognizes the efforts of outstanding trade unionists working towards equity and human rights in the greater Toronto area. Named after veteran activist Bromley L. Armstrong, the award reflects his pioneering spirit in tackling racism and discrimination for over half a century.
- LEAF (Women's Legal Education & Action Fund): $10,000
- LEAF has a dual mission of providing public education and awareness of about substantive equality rights for women, and promoting equality through public-interest litigation. AMAPCEO is sponsoring their Equality Day Gala for the seventh time.
- Mayworks Festival: $5,000
- Mayworks Festival curates and presents artistically compelling projects through an annual multidisciplinary arts festival. Programming reflects the reality of working people’s lives and supports the struggles for better living and working conditions. The Festival works with a diverse community of activists, artists and workers who engage in creative and bold critical responses to pressing issues at the intersection of art, social justice and labour.
- The 519: $1,000
- The 519 has worked for inclusion, acceptance, and awareness of LGBTQ2S rights in Toronto and beyond since 1975. Through programming, space, and leadership, The 519 offers a unique approach to community-building to make a real difference in people's lives while promoting a broader understanding and respect. Services include counselling services, queer parenting resources, coming out groups, trans programming, and seniors' support. AMAPCEO was a sponsor of The 519's Virtual Gala in November 2021.
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives: $10,000
- The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Ontario Office is one of the country’s leading progressive public policy think tanks. The Centre works to promote progressive economic and public policy proposals and media commentary. AMAPCEO first sponsored the Centre in 2013.
- Douglas-Coldwell Foundation: $2,500
- Celebrating its 50th anniversary, the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation is an independent, progressive, charitable think-tank that conducts research and provides educational programs and grants to advance a vision for a Canada where no one is left behind. AMAPCEO is sponsoring the Foundation's 50th Anniversary Celebration.
- Equal Voice: $10,000
- Equal Voice is a national, member-based, multi-partisan organization that advocates for the equal representation of women and gender-diverse candidates in Canada's Parliament, in provincial and territorial legislatures, and on municipal and band councils.
- Inside Out: $2,500
Inside Out is Ontario’s leading LGBTQ+ film festival. Inside Out “Exists to challenge attitudes and change lives through the promotion, production and exhibition of film and video made by and about lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people of all ages, races and abilities.” Due to COVID-19, much of Inside Out's programming this year will be virtual and available across Ontario.
- Institute of Public Administration Canada (IPAC) Conference: $15,500
- The Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) is Canada’s leading professional organization supporting excellence in the country’s public sector. With 19 regional groups across the nation, their members include public servants, academics and others interested in public administration. AMAPCEO was proud to sponsor IPAC's virtual conference "Building Skills for the Post-Pandemic World," aimed at those employed for less than five years in the public service, and IPAC's national conference.
- Labour Community Services: $1,500
- The Labour Education Centre is a project of the Toronto & York Region Labour Council. The Centre provides educational resources and skills training, including employment services. This year, AMAPCEO sponsored the Bromley Armstrong Awards, an annual fundraiser for the Centre. The annual Bromley Armstrong Award Dinner recognizes the efforts of outstanding trade unionists working towards equity and human rights in the greater Toronto area. Named after veteran activist Bromley L. Armstrong, the award reflects his pioneering spirit in tackling racism and discrimination for over half a century.
- LEAF (Women's Legal Education & Action Fund): $10,000
- LEAF has a dual mission of providing public education and awareness of about substantive equality rights for women, and promoting equality through public-interest litigation. AMAPCEO was a sponsor of LEAF for the sixth time in 2021.
- Mayworks Festival: $5,000
Mayworks Festival curates and presents artistically compelling projects through an annual multidisciplinary arts festival. Programming reflects the reality of working people’s lives and supports the struggles for better living and working conditions. The Festival works with a diverse community of activists, artists and workers who engage in creative and bold critical responses to pressing issues at the intersection of art, social justice and labour. AMAPCEO is co-presenting a screening of "9to5: The Story of a Movement" on Sunday, May 2 & Tuesday, May 4.
- Ontario Black History Society: $540
Founded in 1978, the Ontario Black History Society (OBHS), is the organization in Canada that is at the forefront in the celebration of Black history and heritage with a demonstrated record in the study, preservation and promotion of Black history in Ontario. The OBHS is also the only Ontario Provincial Heritage Organization of the Ministry of Culture devoted to Black history and heritage. AMAPCEO proudly sponsors their 34th Annual Black History Month.
- Ontario Employment Education & Research Centre: $1,000
- AMAPCEO was a proud sponsor of the Workers' Bowl 2021, which supports the OEERC Education and Leadership Fund for Workers in Precarious Employment. The Fund creates collaborative community leadership development and educational projects with the Workers’ Action Centre (WAC), an organization committed to improving the lives and working conditions of people in low-wage and precarious employment in Ontario.
- Ontario Legislative Internship Programme: $10,000
The Ontario Legislative Internship Programme (OLIP) is one of the leading paid internship programs in the country. Each year, up to 12 recent university graduates are selected for the programme. During the 10 month programme, they are placed for legislative internships with government and opposition MPPs, and have opportunities to travel to visit the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa, the Legislative Assembly of the Yukon, and the British Parliament in London. Programme alumni frequently make careers in the public service, in elected office, in government relations and in academia. As part of AMAPCEO’s sponsorship, which began in 2011, we have an opportunity to meet with each year’s class of interns and discuss labour relations, unions, and public services.
- Pearson Centre: $30,000
- The Pearson Centre for Progressive Policy describes itself as “Canada’s forum for progressive, centrist, and future-focused innovative ideas." Under the leadership of Chair Sandra Pupatello, the centre conducts research and advocacy to advance policy. AMAPCEO President Dave Bulmer is a regular panelist on Pearson Centre events.
- Progress Toronto: $5,000
Progress Toronto is a not-for-profit organization that advocates and organizes for a more democratic, socially just, and progressive city. Founded in 2018, Progress Toronto works to build democratic power by running and supporting issue-based campaigns that put progressive solutions onto the agenda.
- Ryerson University - Centre for Labour-Management Relations: $25,000
- AMAPCEO first entered into a partnership with Ryerson University’s Centre for Labour Management Relations (CLMR) in 2018. The CLMR is housed in the Ted Rogers School of Business. The Centre “promotes collaborative, ethical, innovative, proactive and sustainable best practices for labour and management to work better together in a way that results in greater productivity and profitability for businesses, improved job and income security for workers, and decreased inequality and injustice for all of society.” AMAPCEO President Dave Bulmer is an active member of the Centre’s Advisory Council.
- Toronto Community Benefits Network: $250
The Toronto Community Benefits Network (TCBN) is a 120 member community-labour coalition made up of trade unions, trades training centres, workforce development agencies, grassroots groups, and community organizations serving under-represented groups. The Network works closely with governments, employers and foundations. Founded in 2013, members of the TCBN coalition are committed to negotiating Community Benefits Agreements (CBAs) to ensure that community members are accessing publicly-funded jobs resulting from infrastructure construction contracts, and that hiring targets for diverse groups are met. This year, AMAPCEO is sponsoring the Building Diversity Awards, which recognizes those contractors, unions, and individuals in Ontario that are leading the way by working together to increase the participation of Black, Indigenous, and racialized workers in the construction industry.
- Toronto Environmental Alliance: $3,500
- Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) is one of the City’s leading advocacy organizations. For more than 30 years, TEA has promoted an environmental agenda, and done so working with labour and 6 community partners. TEA’s work understands that good jobs and strong public services are essential to environmental advocacy and policy solutions. In October 2019, the Executive voted to provide a three-year funding commitment of $3500 per year.
- Toronto & York Region Labour Council: $10,000
- The Toronto & York Region Labour Council is a central labour body that combines the strength of local unions representing 220,000 people who work in every sector of the economy. AMAPCEO is a proud sponsor of the Council's 150th anniversary this year. As part of the celebrations, the Council is gathering stories, photographs, timelines, music, and videos chronicling the labour movement's 150 years in the region.
- Toronto & York Region Labour Council: $1,100
- AMAPCEO was proud to sponsor the Labour Council's Labour Day Parade festivities, broadcast online for everyone to experience.
This year, the Executive and the Board reallocated some funds saved due to the COVID-19 pandemic from event budgets to support community organizations with one-time humanitarian donations These donations are indicated with an asterisk (*).
- ACORN Toronto: $4,000
- Toronto ACORN is the largest chapter of the national advocacy group, whose work focuses on organizing low and moderate income people and tenants. ACORN is recognized in progressive circles as one of the most innovative and hard working organizing groups. ACORN is an important part of the fabric of progressive organizing in Ontario – a training ground for countless progressive organizers and advocates, and an ally to progressive causes and trade unions. ACORN has partnered with labour groups on the current “Fight for $15” and Keep Hydro Public campaigns, 2016’s successful campaign to stop the sale of Toronto Hydro, and on previous campaigns to save the Transit City Light Rail Plan and to increase the minimum wage to $10 among many others. This was the fourth year AMAPCEO provided funding.
- Asian Canadian Labour Association: $500
- The Asian Canadian Labour Alliance (ACLA) is a grassroots collective of labour activists that aim to represent the voice of Asian Canadian workers while challenging systemic discrimination and racism. They host a variety of educational events and join community allies to fight for change and injustice. ACLA celebrated their 20th year milestone. AMAPCEO provided sponsorship for the first time in 2020.
- Assaulted Women's Helpline: $5,000*
- In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Executive Committee approved a one-time humanitarian donation to the Assaulted Women’s Helpline which offers 24-hour crisis support to all women in Ontario who have suffered abuse and require guidance and support. They provide counselling and emotional support along with connecting women with services through referrals.
- Broadbent Institute: $60,000
- The Broadbent Institute is Canada’s leading progressive public policy think tank and advocacy organization. Its mission is to provide progressive public policy options, counterbalance right wing narratives, and train future leaders. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Progress Summit, originally scheduled for March 2020 was postponed and the Progress Gala will be presented online on November 19, 2020. AMAPCEO has been a sponsor of the Institute since 2014, and this amount represents the second installment of a multi-year funding agreement.
- Canadian Labour International Film Festival: $500
- The Canadian Labour International Film Festival (CLIFF) premiered in 2009 as the “first-ever labouroriented film festival in Canada.” They provide an opportunity to showcase stories of workers who seek justice and dignity in their workplace. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CLIFF hosted a free virtual film festival. AMAPCEO is hosting a film screening of “Company Town” on November 23, 2020 at 7 PM.
- Community Food Centres Canada: $10,000*
- In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Executive Committee approved a one-time humanitarian donation to Community Food Centres Canada which supports local community food banks to help eliminate poverty and food insecurity along with improving the health and well-being of low-income Canadians.
- East Asian Network Group: $450
- AMAPCEO provided funding for the 23rd Lunar New Year celebration held by the East Asian Network Group in February 2020. This OPS employee-engagement event was attended by AMAPCEO Board members and activists.
- Feed Ontario (Food Banks Canada): $10,000*
- In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Executive Committee approved a one-time humanitarian donation to Feed Ontario (Food Banks Canada), which supports food banks across the province by “securing fresh and healthy food sources, to driving change through policy research and innovative programming.” Feed Ontario launched a new COVID-19 Emergency Food Box Program which provided crucial support to food banks during these challenging times. AMAPCEO’s timely contribution was able to assist with this program, which to date, has delivered over 100,000 boxes to those in need.
- Inside Out: $3,000
- Inside Out is Ontario’s leading LGBTQ+ film festival. Inside Out “exists to challenge attitudes and change lives through the promotion, production and exhibition of film and video made by and about lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people of all ages, races and abilities.” This was the third year AMAPCEO provided funding.
- Luke's Place (Shelter Service): $5,000*
- In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Executive Committee approved a one-time humanitarian donation to Luke’s Place (Shelter Service), which provides shelter and resources to women and their children who are escaping an abusive environment while navigating the family law process.
- Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts: $2,000
- Mayworks Festival curates and presents artistically compelling projects through an annual multidisciplinary arts festival. Programming reflects the reality of working people’s lives and supports the struggles for better living and working conditions. The Festival works with a diverse community of activists, artists and workers who engage in creative and bold critical responses to pressing issues at the intersection of art, social justice and labour. AMAPCEO provided sponsorship for the first time in 2018.
- Ontario Association for Interval and Transition Houses: $20,000*
- In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Executive Committee approved a one-time humanitarian donation to the Ontario Association for Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH) which provides support and resources to approximately 80 shelters and transitional housing organizations across Ontario while advocating the end of gender based violence.
- Ontario Legislative Internship Programme: $10,000
- The Ontario Legislative Internship Programme (OLIP) is one of the leading paid internship programs in the country. Each year, up to 12 recent university graduates are selected for the programme. During the 10 month programme, they are placed for legislative internships with government and opposition MPPs, and have opportunities to travel to visit the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa, the Legislative Assembly of the Yukon, and the British Parliament in London. Programme alumni frequently make careers in the public service, in elected office, in government relations and in academia. As part of AMAPCEO’s sponsorship, which began in 2011, we have an opportunity to meet with each year’s class of interns and discuss labour relations, unions, and public services.
- Progress Toronto: $5,500
- Progress Toronto is a not-for-profit organization that advocates and organizes for a more democratic, socially just, and progressive city. Founded in 2018, Progress Toronto works to build democratic power by running and supporting issue-based campaigns that put progressive solutions onto the agenda. In 2020, the Executive Committee voted to increase AMAPCEO’s sponsorship level to $5,500 in light of the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Ryerson University - Centre for Labour-Management Relations: $25,000
- In 2017, AMAPCEO agreed to a two year partnership with Ryerson University’s Centre for Labour Management Relations (CLMR), to begin in 2018. AMAPCEO’s commitment is for $25,000 per year. The CLMR is housed in the Ted Rogers School of Business. The Centre “promotes collaborative, ethical, innovative, proactive and sustainable best practices for labour and management to work better together in a way that results in greater productivity and profitability for businesses, improved job and income security for workers, and decreased inequality and injustice for all of society.” In 2019, the Board approved the renewal of AMAPCEO’s commitment for a further three years. AMAPCEO President Dave Bulmer is an active member of the Centre’s Advisory Council.
- Toronto Environmental Alliance: $3,500
- Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) is one of the City’s leading advocacy organizations. For more than 30 years, TEA has promoted an environmental agenda, and done so working with labour and 6 community partners. TEA’s work understands that good jobs and strong public services are essential to environmental advocacy and policy solutions. AMAPCEO has been a sponsor of TEA’s annual fundraiser in 2017 and 2018. In October 2019, the Executive voted to provide a three-year funding commitment of $3500 per year.
- TTCRiders: $250
- TTCriders is a grassroots, membership-based advocacy group of transit users. The organization is membership driven, and advocates for hiqh quality, publicly owned and operated transit. AMAPCEO provided a modest contribution in 2019 and 2020, in support of TTCRiders’ antiprivatization work.
- Women's Legal Education and Action Fund: $5,000
- The Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) has a duel mission of providing public education and awareness of about substantive equality rights for women, and promoting equality through public-interest litigation. AMAPCEO was a sponsor of LEAF for the fifth time in 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual Persons Day fundraiser was postponed until 2021. LEAF will be hosting an online Speakers Series during the months of October, November, January and February. A group of AMAPCEO activists will be attending virtually.
- Yonge Street Mission: $10,000*
- In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Executive Committee approved a one-time humanitarian donation to the Yonge Street Mission, Toronto’s busiest homeless food bank which “focuses on adults experiencing chronic poverty, street-involved youth, families in need, and community development.” They provide a variety of resources and support, including counselling, employment, and housing services. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they have been experiencing an increase of people requiring assistance.
- YWCA Toronto: $1,500
- The YWCA Toronto, a part of the national and international YWCA movement, is dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls. The YWCA provides support to women and girls fleeing violence, helps provide secure housing, find jobs and enhance skills. The YWCA is also engaged in systemic advocacy around public policy issues. Each year, the YWCA of Toronto hosts its “Women of Distinction” awards to honour women who are leading change in Toronto. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they had to postpone this major fundraising event until 2021. With the cancellation of most of their fundraising events, they 7 have suffered a significant lost of revenue which impacts their ability to provide the services and assistance to disadvantaged women and children.
District / Community Donations
In 2017, the AMAPCEO Board of Directors adopted a Community Donation policy, designed to allow members and activists to seek funding for community initiatives. The policy is designed to encourage opportunities for increased member engagement and activism. Learn more about accessing Community Donation funding and submit a request here (sign-in required).
AMAPCEO’s Executive Committee has approved the following requests for community sponsorship.
Bay Street
- Covenant House: $1000
- The 519: $1000
College Park
- Covenant House: $500
- Dress for Success: $500
- Horizons For Youth: $500
- Progress Place: $500
Eastern Ontario - Durham
- Denise House: $500
- Victims Services of Durham: $500
Eastern Ontario - Kingston
- United Way of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington: $1200
Eastern Ontario - Ottawa
- Ability Benevolence Liberty Empowered (ABLE2): $500
- Ottawa Humane Society: $500
Eastern Ontario - Peterborough
- Kawartha Food Share: $500
- YWCA Crossroads Shelter for Women: $500
- Fort York Foodbank: $1000
- Sistering: $1000
GTA North - Downsview
- Indigenous Friendship Society: $500
- Youth Without Shelter: $500
GTA North - North York
- North York Harvest Food Bank: $500
- North York Women's Shelter: $500
Midtown - Bloor
- Stop Community Food Centre: $500
- Unity Charity: $500
Midtown - St. Clair
- La Maison: $500
- Na Me Res: $500
Northern Ontario - North Bay
- Family Enrichment Program: $500
- The Gathering Place: $1000
Northern Ontario - Sault Ste. Marie
- Sault Ste. Marie: $500
- St. Vincent House: $500
Northern Ontario - Sudbury
- Go Give Project: $500
- New Hope Outreach Services / The Samaritan Centre: $500
Northern Ontario - Thunder Bay
- Ontario Native Women's Association: $250
- Regional Food Distribution Centre: $250
- Roots to Harvest: $250
- Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre: $250
Queen's Park
- Foodshare Toronto: $445
- Native Child and Family Services of Toronto: $635
- Red Door Shelter: $585
- Workers' Action Centre: $335
Toronto Centre
- Anishnawbe Health Toronto: $2000
- Daily Bread Food Bank: $500
- Nonnina's Table: $500
- Out of the Cold Program: $500
- The Red Door Family Shelter: $500
Western Ontario
- Aboriginal Health Centre Hamilton: $500
Western Ontario - Guelph
- Up and Running Guelph: $1000
Western Ontario - Halton / Peel / Simcoe / York
- Helping Hands Orillia: $1000
Western Ontario - London
- 2024 London Pride Parade: $175
- Growing Chefs London: $600
- Shoebox Project: $250
Western Ontario
- Niagara Region Native Centre: $500
Eastern Ontario - Kingston
- Three Oaks Foundation: $500
Eastern Ontario - Ottawa
- Interval House of Ottawa: $500
- Youth Services Bureau: $500
Jarvis Yonge
- Anishnawbe Health Toronto (AHT): $1,000
- Butterfly - Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Support: $400
- Islamic Social Services & Resources Association: $400
- Noninna's Table: $400
- Out of the Cold Foundation: $400
The Local Charity: $400
- London Pride Parade: $175
Eastern Ontario
- Durham Region
- Canadian Mental Health Association: $250
- Durham Outlook for the Needy (DOFN): $250
- Kingston
- Kingston Indigenous Languages Nest (KILN): $500
- Peterborough
- Kawartha Food Share: $250
- One Roof Community Centre: $250
- Ottawa
- Rainbow Railroad: $500
- Afri-Can Food Basket: $1000
- Family Shelter for Men and Children: $65
- Food Share: $65
- Justicia for Migrant Workers: $125
- Native Child and Family Services of Toronto: $100
- Red Door Family Shelter: $70
- The Stop Community Food Centre: $110
- Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal: $250
- The Workers' Action Centre (WAC): $215
GTA North
- Downsview
- Indigenous Friends Association: $250
Youth Without Shelter: $250
- North York
- North York Harvest Food Bank: $250
- Royal Canadian Legion Branch 66: $250
- The Centre for Addictions and Mental Health (CAMH): $250
- La Maison: $250
- Naujawan Support Network: $250
- Sistering: $250
Northern Ontario
- North Bay
- Ojibway Women's Lodge: $500
- Sault Ste. Marie
- Sault Ste. Marie Soup Kitchen Community Centre: $500
- Sudbury
- The Go Give Project: $500
- Thunder Bay
- Regional Food Distribution Association (RFDA): $250
- Shelter House: $250
- Sistering and Nonnina's Kitchen: $1,000
Western Ontario
- Guelph
- Your Downtown Guelph Friends: $500
- Halton / Peel / Simcoe / York
- Our Place Peel: $500
- Hamilton
- Hamilton Food Share: $250
- London
- London Pride Parade: $175
- The Ukrainian Canadian Congress - London Branch: $225
- St. Catharines
- Community Care St. Catharines: $250
Eastern Ontario
- Durham Region
- Canadian Mental Health Association: $250
- Durham Outlook for the Needy: $250
- Kingston
- The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund: $250
- Lennox and Addington Interval House (LAIH): $250
- Peterborough
- Kawartha Food Share: $500
- Ottawa
- First Nations Family Child & Family Caring Society: $500
- Afri-Can Food Basket: $1,000
- The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: $55
- Family Shelter for Men and Children: $150
- FoodShare: $105
- Justice for Migrant Workers: $125
- Native Child and Family Services of Toronto: $155
- Red Door Family Shelter: $290
- The Stop Community Food Centre: $120
Northern Ontario
- North Bay
- Alzheimer Society of Sudbury-Manitoulin: $500
- Sault Ste. Marie
- Sault Ste. Marie Soup Kitchen Community Centre: $500
- Sudbury
- Canadian Mental Health Association: Cochrane/Temisaming Branch: $250
- Canadian Mental Health Association: Sudbury/Manitoulin Branch: $250
- Thunder Bay
- Roots to Harvest: $250
- Street Outreach Services: $250
University/Toronto South
- Moorelands Kids: $500
- University Settlement: $500
Western Ontario
- Guelph
- Centre Wellington Food Bank: $500
- Halton / Peel / Barrie / Penetanguishene / Muskoka
- Green Haven Shelter for Women: $500
- Hamilton/Burlington
- BGC Hamilton-Halton: $500
This year, some Districts / Communities also reallocated funds saved due to the COVID-19 pandemic from their local budgets to support community organizations.
Bay Street
- Out of the Cold: $1,000
College Park
- The 519 Community Centre: $666
- Centre on Independent Living Toronto: $666
- The Dream Legacy: $667
Eastern Ontario
- Kingston
- Lionhearts - COVID-19 Street Project: $500
- Ottawa
- Ottawa Food Bank: $500
- Peterborough
- YWCA Crossroads Shelter: 500
- Afri-Can Food Basket: $1,000
- ACORN Toronto: $150
- Caregivers Action Centre: $115
- The CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals: $1,000
- FoodShare: $1,115
- Justice for Migrant Workers: $670
- Native Child and Family Services: $330
- Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care: $100
- Operation Christmas Cheer: $100
- Red Door Family Shelter: $650
- Sistering: $115
- The Stop Community Food Centre: $415
- Workers' Action Centre: $200
GTA North
- Downsview
- Daily Bread Food Bank: $680
- Evangel Mission: $250
- North York / Newmarket / Aurora
- North York Harvest Food Bank: $1,000
- Anishnawabe Health Foundation: $2,000
- Bloor
- Sistering: $500
- Woodland Cultural Centre - Save the Evidence Campaign: $500
- St Clair
Dixon Hall Neighbourhood Services: $500
Dream Legacy Foundation: $500
Northern Ontario
- North Bay
- BAYSAR Air Search and Rescue: $250
- Hope Awaits Homeless Shelter: $150
- Nipissing Serenity Hospice: $160
- Sault Ste Marie
- Sault Ste Marie Soup Kitchen: $1,000
- Sudbury
- Genevra House: $250
- Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines' Children's Holiday Party: $250
- Pregnancy Care Centre and Infant Food Book: $500
- Thunder Bay
- Isthmus Thunder Bay: $200
- Regional Food Distribution Association of Northwestern Ontario: $200
- Shelter House - Thunder Bay: $200
- The Underground Gym and Youth Centre: $500
University/Toronto South
- Indigenous Climate Action: $1,000
- YWCA Toronto: $1,000
Western Ontario
- Guelph
- Anishnabeg Outreach - Spirit Bundles Initiative: $670
- A Little Relief: $330
- Halton / Peel / Barrie / Penetanguishene / Muskoka
- The Shoebox Project: $1,000
- Hamilton / Burlington
- The Raw Carrot: $1,000
- London
- London Cares: $350
- London Community Foundation: $400
- Meals on Wheels London: $350
- St. Catharines / Niagara Region
- Big Brothers and Big Sisters of North and West Niagara: $350
- Community Care of St. Catharines and Thorold: $650
- Windsor
- The Downtown Mission: $300
- Windsor Community Pride: $350
- The Windsor Goodfellows: $350