1 Dundas Street West
Suite 2310, P.O. Box 72
Toronto ON M5G 1Z3
Telephone: 416-595-9000
Toll Free Telephone: 1-888-262-7236
Fax: 416-340-6461
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm ET
The AMAPCEO office and all workspaces, including off-site meetings, are scent-free.
Read our land acknowledgement.
AMAPCEO's Board of Directors is elected by the membership and each Director represents one of the union's eleven geographic Districts.
AMAPCEO's professional staff support the membership. Our staff listing is available for AMAPCEO members only.
AMAPCEO Workplace Representatives are trained union members who have volunteered to confidentially assist members like you in the workplace. Most often, they should be your first point of contact in seeking information and representation with an issue at work.
AMAPCEO Health and Safety Representatives are trained union members who act on behalf of their colleagues by working directly with the Employer to address and improve health and safety conditions at work.