Some of the following acronyms may appear in various AMAPCEO documents and fact sheets. Relevant links have been included where applicable.
ACERC: AMAPCEO Central Employee Relations Committee
AMERC: AMAPCEO-Ministry Employee Relations Committee
ALOC: Association of Law Officers of the Crown
ASMP: Attendance Support Management Program
AWA: Alternative Work Arrangement
BPS: Broader Public Sector
CMO: College of Midwives of Ontario
COC: Compensation Option Credit
COLA: Cost of Living Adjustment
CWW: Compressed Work Week
DFR: Duty of Fair Representation
DRO: Dispute Resolutions Officer
DM: Deputy Minister
EE: Employee
ER: Employer
ERC: Employee Relations Committee
FSRA: Financial Services Regulatory Authority
FDR: Formal Dispute Request Form
GSB: Grievance Settlement Board
HARLO: Healthcare, Agency, Regulatory, and Legislative Offices bargaining units
HOOPP: Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan
IPC: Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
JBRC: Joint Benefits Review Committee
JE: Job Evaluation
JRP: Joint Review Panel
LOA: Leave of Absence
LTIP: Long-Term Income Protection
LTD: Long-Term Disability
MOA: Memorandum of Agreement
MOS: Minutes of Settlement
NOL: Notice of Layoff
OCY: Ontario Ombudsman - Children and Youth Unit, formerly OCA
OFLS: Ontario Ombudsman - French Language Services Unit
OFLSC: Office of the French Language Services Commissioner, now OFLS
OHQ: Ontario Health - Quality Unit, formerly called Health Quality Ontario
OHRC: Ontario Human Rights Commission
OLRB: Ontario Labour Relations Board
OPSEU: Ontario Public Service Employees Union
pCPA: pan-Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance
PEGO: Professional Engineers Government of Ontario
PIPSC: Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada
PSPP: Public Service Pension Plan
SNA: Surplus Notice Alert
STSP: Short-Term Sickness Plan
TEI: Transition Exit Initiative
VC: Vice Chair
WPR: Workplace Representatives
WRC: Workplace Relations Committee
WRTS: Workplace Representative Tracking System