Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Last week, 113 AMAPCEO Workplace Representatives (WPRs) gathered at the Sheraton Hotel in Toronto for the union’s annual WPR Conference. It was a packed day highlighted by the recognition of WPRs with all years of service receiving silver pins, and with 10 or more years of service receiving gold pins. Jane Colonna and Tim Sim topped the list with over 25 years of service to date.
This year’s conference also included:
- Smudging Ceremony in honour of National Indigenous People’s Day conducted by Dawn Maracle
- State of the Union address by President Dave Bulmer
- Guest speaker Fran Odette on “Disrupting Ableism in the Workplace”
- Workshops on alternative work arrangements, disability accommodation and return to work
Learn more about the roles and responsibilities of a Workplace Representative.