Wednesday, October 23, 2024
AMAPCEO activists from across the province met on Tuesday, October 22 for the Activists and Leaders Forum (ALF) with attendees representing AMAPCEO’s 11 Districts, equity caucuses, every bargaining unit, and Young Workers’ and Retirees Caucuses taking the opportunity to connect, learn, and share information about how to collectively strengthen our union.
In the morning, President Dave Bulmer kicked off the meeting with a labour relations update, sharing challenges and successes AMAPCEO experienced in 2024. Vice-President Cynthia Watt, Chair of the Equity Committee, continued with an Equity Committee presentation highlighting the good work each caucus and bargaining unit is doing, along with plans for future engagement with members.
Guest Speaker Paul Taylor, of Evening and Weekends Consulting, presented “Revisiting what it means to lead,” highlighting the importance of centering equity in the work that Activist and Leaders do. * Group shot of Healthcare, Agencies, Regulatory and Legislative Offices (HARLO) Committee at the Activist and Leaders Forum
The morning wrapped up with an Activist Panel consisting of Barbara Gilbert (WPR, Ontario Arts Council), Chet Ng (WPR, Financial Services Regulatory Authority), Tiziana Pauluzzo (District Director, Northern Ontario District), and Colleen Walsh (Chair of the Board; District Director, University District). The panel discussed tips, successes, lessons learned and key questions about engaging members from their respective groups.
* Image of members from AMAPCEO's Healthcare, Agencies, Regulatory, and Legislative Offices (HARLO) bargaining units at the Activists and Leaders Forum. |
In the afternoon, attendees took part in a Broadbent Institute workshop “Connecting Through Story,” led by Executive Director Jen Hassum. The workshop enabled attendees to work together in groups, encouraging each other to share experiences while practicing techniques in storytelling.
It was a great day to connect and learn with 75 members in attendance.