Wednesday, March 27, 2024
During AMAPCEO’s strategic planning session, the Board of Directors approved a series of changes that will restructure and rebalance districts in effort to maintain fair and effective representation. The Board reviews district boundaries annually to ensure equitable balance as the union grows and as employers relocate members’ workplaces and home positions. The Board also renamed a couple of its Districts to better signify the areas they now represent.
Effective immediately:
- Frost/Wellesley has been renamed Queen’s Park,
- Jarvis/Yonge has been renamed Toronto Centre, and
- about a dozen workplace locations in Toronto have changed districts.
Members affected by these changes have received an email specifying their new district name and District Director.
Delegates who have changed districts will continue as Delegates for their new district until the end of their current term.
Why are these changes important?
Every AMAPCEO member belongs to one of eleven geographic districts according to the workplace location of their home position.
Districts are the foundation of AMAPCEO’s governance structure. Through this model, members can participate in the governance of the union by electing their District’s Director and the Delegates they wish to represent them at the Annual Delegates' Conference (ADC).
AMAPCEO’s governance model ensures that every member continues to have fair and effective representation and an equal voice in union business.