Thursday, April 23, 2020
Today, AMAPCEO announced that it is donating $50,000 between four Ontario-based social service agencies to support vulnerable Ontarians during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“These are challenging days for all Ontarians, but especially for the most vulnerable among us,” said President Dave Bulmer. “As an organization committed to protecting its members, furthering the betterment of all workers, and to advancing equity for all Ontarians, AMAPCEO is fortunate to find itself in a position to help others in our community amidst an unprecedented crisis.”
The Ontario Association of Interval & Transition Houses will receive $20,000. The Association represents more than 70 shelters in Ontario that provide support to women experiencing gender-based violence and their children. Reports of gender-based violence have spiked even higher since the beginning of the pandemic and physical distancing measures.
Community Food Centres Canada will receive $10,000 for the Good Food Access Fund. This fund is providing emergency food relief to the most vulnerable Ontarians through 107 Good Food Organizations and four Community Food Centres in the province. This donation will be generously matched by Manulife, bringing the total to $20,000.
Feed Ontario will receive $10,000 for their Emergency Food Boxes, delivered through their 120 direct member food banks and over 1,100 affiliate agencies. Every dollar donated to Feed Ontario provides the equivalent of three meals to those in need; AMAPCEO’s donation will provide more than 30,000 meals to help folks stay home, safe, and healthy.
The Yonge Street Mission will receive $10,000 so they can continue to offer their essential services to people experiencing poverty in Toronto. Since March 19, more than 3,600 neighbours have received groceries, prepared meals, and other essentials. The Mission is also offering tele-counselling support and other wraparound services.
The donations were approved by the union’s Executive Committee yesterday. The funds represent a reallocation of cost savings from the cancellation of some the union’s in-person events.
“Together, we’ll get through these tough times,” Bulmer said.
April 23, 2020 - Update:
The AMAPCEO Board has approved two additional donations of $5,000 each. The recipients of these donations are:
The Assaulted Women’s Helpline delivers 24/7 crisis counselling, emotional support, information, and referrals for women and seniors of all genders in Ontario. They note that as more community services reduce their hours or close their doors, their crisis lines remain open and they are seeing an increase in the number of calls that simply cannot get through because their lines are at capacity.
Luke’s Place is an organization that provides legal information and safety planning to abused women in the Durham Region. During the pandemic, they have opened up access to lawyers for free legal advice on subjects including restraining orders, arrangement for children after separation, and child and spousal support through a virtual family law practice, and have opened these services to women all over Ontario. Under COVID-19, family courts will only hear cases deemed as urgent and abuse survivors need support as they present their case.