Monday, August 12, 2024
AMAPCEO has requested that a conciliation officer be appointed by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development, after reaching an impasse on negotiations in what will be the first AMAPCEO-FSRA Collective Agreement.
Progress to date: Negotiating for improved benefits and salary
AMAPCEO members at the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA), one of the union’s largest bargaining units, first began their current round of bargaining in March 2022.
Since then—despite extended delays caused by the Ontario government's unconstitutional Bill 124 and the fight AMAPCEO and other unions had to wage to successfully overturn it —the parties have met on 26 occasions.
Though the parties have recently been able to consider monetary items with the defeat and subsequent repeal of Bill 124, they have been unable to reach an agreement that affords AMAPCEO members at FSRA the same degree of fairness and respect that an Arbitrator awarded the union’s Ontario Public Service (OPS) unit.
Going forward: Request for conciliation officer to be appointed
Having reached this impasse, AMAPCEO has requested conciliation to work toward a positive outcome.
Conciliation is a common step in collective bargaining negotiations. Although the appointment of a conciliation officer can take several weeks, the parties are not precluded from continuing to meet and work towards resolution.
While AMAPCEO remains hopeful that the Employer will return to the table with a mandate more conducive to achieving a fair Collective Agreement, it's important to note that our FSRA members maintain the protections of their existing Collective Agreement’s terms and conditions of employment until a new contract is successfully negotiated—and maintains the support of our broader membership of 17,000.