Friday, January 12, 2024
AMAPCEO is saddened to learn of the passing of Ed Broadbent, a giant in the Canadian progressive movement.
Broadbent’s considerable career spanned over four decades: he served as a Member of Parliament, the leader of the New Democratic Party from 1975 to 1989, the President of Rights & Democracy, and the founder of the Broadbent Institute.
“Ed devoted decades of his life to fighting for justice and equality in Canada and around the world,” said the Broadbent Institute in a statement yesterday. “A steadfast advocate for equal rights, Ed played a pivotal role in enshrining rights and liberties for all peoples in our country's laws and constitution.”
AMAPCEO has been a sponsor of the Broadbent Institute, Canada’s leading progressive public policy think tank and advocacy organization, since 2014.
The union was also proud to have hosted Broadbent as a guest speaker at our 2018 Annual Delegates’ Conference.
“Ed Broadbent has had an enormous impact on the progressive movement in Canada,” said President Dave Bulmer. “His legacy is of, among many other things, passionate advocacy for and allyship with the working people of this country.”