Wednesday, March 05, 2025
Last week marked the Ontario Public Service (OPS) Employer’s self-imposed deadline for implementing retroactive payment of employees’ 2022-2025 across-the-board increases. Frustratingly, retro pay is still outstanding for some AMAPCEO members at the OPS.
AMAPCEO has reached out to the Employer, expressing our exasperation at this further delay, and pushing them to do whatever it takes to process these payments as soon as possible. As a result, the Employer has committed to amending their posted implementation timeline to more accurately reflect when outstanding retro payments can now be expected.
We are extremely disappointed that, despite repeated commitments, the Employer has once again failed to meet their deadline and once again pushed final retro pay implementation even further.
As we have reiterated time and time again: a contract is a contract. Members’ collective agreement rights must be respected.
Rest assured that AMAPCEO is continuing to put pressure on the Employer and is also continuing to pursue our union-wide Association Dispute against the Employer. This Dispute is over the Employer’s decision to delay implementation of the negotiated April 2024 1% across-the-board salary increases, a violation of our AMAPCEO–OPS Collective Agreement. We will share more information on this legal challenge as we have news to share.