Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Over the past year, AMAPCEO has successfully challenged the Ontario Public Service (OPS) Employer’s denial of an Alternative Working Arrangement (AWA) request three consecutive times.
In all three of the test cases brought forward to the Grievance Settlement Board (GSB), arbitrators found in favour of AMAPCEO members.
And they did so because, in dispute after dispute, we’ve proven that flexible work works and that a one-size-fits-all approach is a contravention of member rights to individual consideration.
Now, we are extremely pleased to report that since our third challenge succeeded in late 2024, we have seen a notable increase in the number of satisfactory resolutions that we have achieved for our members.
AMAPCEO has been able to affect outcomes above the workplace standard, without having to pursue issues all the way to the GSB, and in some instances without even having to file a dispute at all.
We hope that this pattern of success will continue, and we encourage everyone who has not yet requested an AWA to do so.
Our right to request an alternative working arrangement, to have that request considered in good faith, and to dispute an unfair denial, was hard won. We fought vigorously to maintain that right in the last round of negotiations, and to exercise it through our 2022 AWA campaign.
We did it because AMAPCEO members are capable of working for Ontario—anywhere.
And because AMAPCEO will always defend our members’ collective agreement rights, now and in the future. Going into 2025 bargaining, AMAPCEO remains committed to building the workplace of the future. We will need your support to do that.