Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Samara Carroll, Labour Relations Specialist and one of the staff supports for the union’s equity caucuses, recently sat down with Elaine A. Spencer, Chair of the Black Caucus, for a question-and-answer session on the Black Caucus’s recent achievements, its goals for the future, and her message for Black History Month.
Samara Carroll: Hi, Elaine! Before we dive into the work of the Black Caucus, why don’t you tell AMAPCEO members a little bit about yourself. What’s your position in the Ontario Public Service (OPS) and what AMAPCEO roles are you involved with?
Elaine A. Spencer: Sure. My background in the Ontario Public Service is in policy. I have been working in various AMAPCEO volunteer positions for over twenty years.
SC: What fills your time outside of work?
ES: Motherhood! When I’m not working, I’m raising my teens and specifically trying to find new recipes to satisfy their cravings.
SC: Tell me more about the Black Caucus. What’s new this year? How have you adapted over the past couple years during the pandemic?
ES: It’s been difficult adapting to the pandemic, but our caucus has really made the best of things by using technology to stay connected. After two years, I think I’ve finally accepted that it’s a virtual world.
SC: What achievements are you most proud of?
ES: We recently had five resolutions pass at AMAPCEO’s 2021 Annual Delegates Conference (ADC). This was a huge historical milestone for the Black Caucus’s work towards equity initiatives for black members. I encourage members to review the resolutions here, starting on page 170 of the document.
Following the ADC, the Caucus met with AMAPCEO President Dave Bulmer, Vice-President Cynthia Watts, and Chief of Staff Rob Smalley to follow up on our resolutions. In the weeks and months ahead, the Caucus will be working with AMAPCEO on next steps.
SC: That’s really good to hear. Can you tell us more about the Black Caucus’s plans and goals for the future?
ES: Absolutely: we hope to continue to grow and provide more support for our members as they navigate their careers in the OPS.
SC: What would you say members considering joining the Black Caucus?
ES: I want people to have hope that things can change if we work together, build our community, and remain relevant to the ever-changing needs of society. Together, we win.
SC: Finally, February is Black History Month. What message do you want to share with AMAPCEO members about this month?
Every year we focus on our history and achievements for Black History Month. But I want us to start thinking about us making history. Let us all leave a legacy that consistently pushes us forward to advocate for a world free of racism, inequities, and hate. Let us make history this year.