Wednesday, June 17, 2020
The AMAPCEO Board of Directors accepted the resignation of District Director Peter Dewar on Monday, as Dewar is leaving his AMAPCEO-represented position in the Ontario Public Service (OPS) and moving to the next stage of his career.
With a background in information technology, Dewar most recently worked in the Judicial Information Technology Office at the Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG). Since becoming an AMAPCEO activist in 2008, Dewar served union members in a variety of roles, among them as a Delegate, Chapter Chair, Workplace Representative, and a long-time MAG AMERC member.
Dewar first took office on the AMAPCEO Board as a Director-at-Large in 2016 before becoming District Director for University/Toronto South in January 2017 when AMAPCEO amended its governance model. Dewar also completed a term as Board Chair.
On behalf of the Board, President Dave Bulmer expressed his appreciation for Dewar’s service. “AMAPCEO and our members are better for Peter’s leadership and contributions over the years,” Bulmer said, noting Dewar was Chair of the Equity Committee when our Equity Statement came into effect, and Chair of Elections & Credentials when we moved to electronic balloting.
“Peter is renowned for his ability to stay focused and calm, even during difficult times,” President Bulmer said. “These skills certainly came in handy when he was on the OPS Bargaining Team in 2012—a particularly difficult negotiation.”
“And his yoga sessions were always welcome breaks at Board meetings and the ADC alike,” Bulmer added with a chuckle.