Wednesday, May 08, 2019
Following the implementation of the April 1, 2019 “across the board” increase, AMAPCEO members who remain “red circled” as a result of the 2013 job evaluation process will be entitled to a lump sum payment in the amount of 1% of their salary.
“Red-circled” refers to a small number of OPS employees whose salaries are currently above the maximum of their pay range and who are therefore not eligible for across the board increases until their range maximum reaches their current salaries.
In 2018, the number of job evaluation-related “red circled” employees were reduced by half, as salary range maximums increase due to the application of across-the-board salary increases. By the end of the new contract, nearly 95% of those currently originally “red-circled” (approx. 500) will no longer fall into that category—a significant win for AMAPCEO members in the OPS.