Tuesday, October 01, 2024
AMAPCEO congratulates Dave Bulmer on his recent acclamation to the position of President.
Bulmer is an experienced leader with a dedication to labour, public service, and the broader public good. He was first elected to the role of President/CEO in 2015, and previously held the roles of Board Chair and Treasurer/CFO. He is a longtime employee of the Ontario Ministry of Health, Emergency Health Services, Land & Air Ambulance Program. He also serves as AMAPCEO’s representative on the Ontario Pension Board (OPB).
During Bulmer’s tenure, AMAPCEO has grown significantly in both the number of bargaining units and the number of members, with the union now representing 13 units and almost 17,000 of Ontario’s professionals.
Bulmer has also overseen an expansion of AMAPCEO’s communications, engagement, outreach, and education programs, and the building of strong relationships with labour organizations and fellow public service unions in Ontario and across Canada, including through the Professional Unions’ Network of Canada (PUNC) and Public Services International (PSI).
“I am honoured to have maintained the confidence of the members and to serve another term as their President,” said Bulmer. “It is a privilege and a responsibility I do not take lightly.”
"We’ve accomplished a great deal together and I look forward to leading our growing union to further successes.”