Friday, December 06, 2024
Over 200 AMAPCEO Delegates, staff, and guests gathered in Toronto for the union’s Annual Delegates’ Conference (ADC) this week.
Delegates reviewed and approved the union’s 2025 annual budget, and passed amendments to the AMAPCEO Constitution—including creating a new, progressive ratio for Delegate representation. Delegates also celebrated this year’s Activist Award Winners and had an opportunity to get to know the Ontario Public Service (OPS) Bargaining Team.
Opening ceremony and remarks
The conference started with a grounding ceremony and land acknowledgement led by Dawn T. Maracle, a dynamic, award-winning speaker and educator, and AMAPCEO’s Indigenous consultant.
President Dave Bulmer followed with opening remarks, and along with Vice-President Cynthia Watt, highlighted AMAPCEO’s 2024 accomplishments, according to the four cornerstones of the union’s five-year strategic plan.
Members can view this information in the 2024 Annual Report here: amapceo.on.ca/publications-annual-reports
OPS Bargaining
Bulmer introduced Delegates to the OPS Bargaining Team by way of a rousing speech and video, emphasizing on the theme of the ADC: “Stand Together—Win Together.” With the term of the AMAPCEO-OPS Collective Agreement ending on March 31, 2025, this was a timely presentation —AMAPCEO has the ability to give notice to bargain as early as January 1st and be at the table by Family Day.
“Given its size, our OPS unit sets the pattern for our other bargaining units that follow— and this year’s team is well underway in preparation for negotiation of strong, fair, and respectful OPS contract,” said Bulmer.
“Together, we’re going to show the Employer that we’ll fight for what we deserve: a fair deal that protects Ontario’s public services and the professionals who deliver them.”
Take a moment get to know your 2025 OPS the Bargaining Team and watch a video about them here: amapceo.on.ca/news/your-2025-ops-bargaining-team-ready-stand-together-and-win-together
ADC Business
Delegates reviewed and approved the union’s 2024 annual budget, and considered and passed amendments to the AMAPCEO Constitution, most notably the creating of a new, progressive ratio for Delegate representation.
The conference also recognized recipients of the 2024 AMAPCEO Activist Awards, a yearly award going to activists making meaningful contributions through their individual or team role. Having diverse experiences, roles and qualities, the activist award recipients were nominated by fellow activists and selected by this year’s Activist Recognition Committee.
Finally, this year’s ADC saw an election for AMAPCEO’s Treasurer role within AMAPCEO’s Board of Directors.
Two candidates competed for the role of AMAPCEO Treasurer, with Paul Reddick being elected to the position. Outgoing Treasurer, Damian Suffoletta, was thanked by President Bulmer on behalf of the Board of Directors and the union as a whole for his dedication to the role over the past four years.
Bulmer also thanked outgoing Western Ontario District Director, Suzanne Conquer, for her years of service on the Board as well. Conquer chose not to run this Fall and will be replaced by Alex Heim.