Tuesday, October 01, 2024
Following the call for nominations in September, several District Directors have been acclaimed:
- Jennifer Harewood, Front
- Alex Heim, Western Ontario
- Charles Jones, Bay Street
- Victoria Marshall, Midtown
- Tiziana Pauluzzo, Northern Ontario
AMAPCEO congratulates these Directors on their acclamations, and thanks outgoing Western Ontario District Director Suzanne Conquer for her years of work on the Board. She will continue to serve until the end of her term, December 31, 2024.
In the coming weeks, elections will be held for the following positions:
- Director, GTA North
- ADC Elections and Credentials Committee (two positions)
- ADC Resolutions Committee (two positions)
We encourage you to keep your eyes on your inboxes for an announcement on the timing and voter eligibility for those elections.
An election will also be held for the role of Treasurer of the Board of Directors. This election will be held at the Annual Delegates’ Conference (ADC). Delegates will receive more information about this election in the upcoming Delegates’ bulletin.