Thursday, August 08, 2024
Reflecting its growth and to further its work, the Asian, Arab and Latinx Caucus has recently been developed into three separate caucuses.
The equity caucus model is designed to create a space for demographically and culturally similar AMAPCEO members to build community, support other members, and provide alternative routes into activist roles for under-represented equity groups. There is no limit on the number of Equity Caucuses you can participate in at AMAPCEO, and joining can connect you with events, groups, relevant articles, and AMAPCEO members with similar interests.
If you would like to join the new Arab Caucus, Asian Caucus, or Latinx Caucus (which is still in development and seeking leaders), or another of AMAPCEO’s Equity Caucuses, register at amapceo.ca/joinequity
More information about Equity Caucuses, their missions, and their Chairs can be found at amapceo.ca/equity
The Women’s Caucus is seeking a new Vice Chair. Interested in applying? Email nominations@amapceo.on.ca with a brief statement on why you are interested in the role. Please use the subject line: “Women’s Caucus Vice-Chair position – I would like to be considered”.
Deadline to apply is by Tuesday September 10 at noon ET.