Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Earlier this week, AMAPCEO-represented employees at the Ontario Ombudsman’s Office held a historic ratification vote—with 100 per cent participation, members at both the former Children & Youth and French Language Services units voted unanimously to ratify their 2022-2028 Collective Agreement and join together into a single, united bargaining unit.
“The new agreement includes significant across-the-board increases throughout the six-year term, a new accelerated salary schedule, considerable improvements to health benefits, flexible work protections, and more”, said President Dave Bulmer.
AMAPCEO’s superior job security will be maintained for all employees, with provisions in the new agreement ensuring that no person or role will be reclassified to another bargaining unit, and that work performed by employees in the existing units will not be subcontracted out as a result of the merger.
Members can find the memorandum of settlement, as well as highlights of the new agreement, at amapceo.ca/ombudsman/agreement.
Bulmer added, “AMAPCEO is grateful to Ombudsman Bargaining Team members Ruth Hislop, Josée Laperrière, and Sameer Udipi, and staff support Matthew Hill and Gwen Feeny.”
In the coming weeks, AMAPCEO will be updating the website to create a new page and fact sheets for the unified Ombudsman bargaining unit.
If you have questions about the new agreement or merger of the bargaining units, please contact Matthew Hill at hill@amapceo.on.ca.