Wednesday, June 12, 2024
As AMAPCEO expands both the number of bargaining units and types of workplaces we represent, it is important to reassess the language we use to refer to our members.
Our union started in 1992 with a few thousand members in the Ontario Public Service (OPS).
Today, we represent more than 16,500 members in 13 bargaining units. We are proud to represent professionals working in the public interest in Ontario in every ministry in the government, and in a growing number of provincial agencies, boards, and regulators.
To that end, after consultation with members, the union is retiring the phrase “Broader Public Service (BPS)” to refer to members in bargaining units outside the OPS and instead recognize the sectors in which they fall. You’ll start to see us use “Healthcare, Agencies, Regulatory, and Legislative Offices (HARLO)” instead.
This sector-based terminology is consistent with the language used by other unions and more accurately and specifically describes the bargaining units AMAPCEO represents.