Wednesday, July 17, 2024
AMAPCEO’s Board of Directors is proud to announce the members of your Ontario Public Service (OPS) Bargaining Team:
Dave Bulmer, President/CEO
Jason Gartshore, GTA North District
Jennie Miller, Midtown District
Adam Nagler, Bay District
Vickie Nielsen, Northern Ontario District
Julie Reeder, Eastern Ontario District
The team will be supported by AMAPCEO’s elected leadership, senior management team, professional staff, legal counsel, benefits experts, and government relations firm.
More team member details will follow in September.
Selection process
After elections from nine of AMAPCEO’s 11 districts, the Bargaining Readiness Working Group interviewed all 11 candidates and recommended five team members (plus two alternates) to the Board of Directors for appointment.
What’s next
With the current OPS Collective Agreement expiring on March 31, 2025, work has started on the new collective agreement with the selection process of OPS Bargaining Team. Learn more about next steps in the AMAPCEO collective bargaining process.
It’s important to know that existing terms and conditions of the current collective agreement remain frozen in place until a new collective agreement comes into effect, and that the new agreement may have retroactive measures.
AMAPCEO members in the OPS were surveyed last month to begin the priority-setting process. The union will conduct a second survey in the fall on what changes members want to see to their collective agreement.
Make sure to bookmark https://amapceo.on.ca/bargaining/ops for the most up-to-date information, and opt-in to receive emails about OPS bargaining on our subscribe page.
Questions about bargaining
You can send your bargaining-related questions or feedback to bargaining@amapceo.on.ca; please do not contact team members directly.