Wednesday, November 27, 2024
AMAPCEO is reminding our members in the Ontario Public Service (OPS) that their benefits provide coverage for orthotic appliances prescribed by a physician, chiropractor, podiatrist or chiropodist.
We recently learned that a member had their claim for an orthotic appliance inappropriately denied by Canada Life because the appliance was prescribed by a chiropractor, despite the fact that Article 34.2 (h) of the AMAPCEO-OPS Collective Agreement specifically allows a chiropractor to prescribe orthotic appliances.
Additionally, we want to remind our members that, under Article 34.2(h), orthotic appliances are covered at 100% of the cost or repair of one pair per year, to a maximum of $500 per calendar year
AMAPCEO has asked the Employer to direct Canada Life to audit past denials for orthotic appliance claims to ensure that no other AMAPCEO members have had their claims denied inappropriately.
If you or an AMAPCEO colleague you know has had a claim for orthotic appliances denied because they were prescribed by a chiropractor, we encourage you to contact an AMAPCEO Workplace Representative.