Wednesday, June 26, 2024
AMAPCEO has filed a formal Association Dispute against the Ontario Public Service (OPS) on behalf of its members on the Aviation Forest Fires and Emergency Services (AFFES) team after they were excluded from the New Incentive Payment for wildland firefighting staff.
"We believe the OPS Employer’s decision to exclude AMAPCEO-represented AFFES staff and not create an AMAPCEO-specific incentive program was prejudicial and intend to remedy that,” said President Dave Bulmer.
The union raised concerns about the decision with the Employer at the AMAPCEO-Ministry Employee Relations Committee before escalating the concerns to the AMAPCEO-Central Employee Relations Committee. Unfortunately, the Employer’s response at both tables was unacceptable, and they have continued to reiterate their intention of not providing any form of incentive payment for AMAPCEO-represented members. These actions constitute to a violation of the Collective Agreement.
As matters progress, AMAPCEO will keep AFFES staff up to date. The union is confident that the formal dispute filed will lead to a favourable settlement.
President Bulmer added, “AMAPCEO members in AFFES are integral in keeping communities safe from wildfires and the Employer needs to recognize the experience and dedication they bring to the table, especially with wildfire seasons stretching longer and worsening due to climate change.”