Bargaining Unit
Ministry of Colleges and Universities
Work Address
1 Dundas
(416) 595-4967
First elected Vice-President at the November 2015 Annual Delegates’ Conference, Cynthia Watt is a Senior Policy Advisor in the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, based in Toronto. She has worked in the Ontario Public Service for 16 years. During her term as Vice-President, Cynthia will be on full-time union leave, working at the AMAPCEO office.
Her AMAPCEO contributions have included:
- Chapter Chair for EDU / TCU
- AMERC Member for EDU / TCU
- Workplace Representative
- Member of the AMAPCEO Finance Committee
- Founder of Workplace Reps Community of Practice in EDU-TCU Chapter
- Co-sponsored motion establishing the Education Committee, adopted by Board 2014
- Co-sponsored motion establishing Finance Committee, adopted by Board 2013
- Building Coordinator, Mowat Block, Toronto (5 Ministries, 1000+ members) during Mobilization 2014 and 2012
- Recipient of the Builder Team Award, an AMAPCEO Member Services Award, 2014
Prior to joining the OPS, Cynthia worked for seven years, first as president and then as executive director, of the association representing Ontario college students.