Latest updates
Your Bargaining Team continues to meet with the employer on a regular basis, with another bargaining date coming up at the end of the month.
- Make sure your personal email with AMAPCEO is up to date by visiting your Member Dashboard and clicking Edit Profile.
Last updated: February 5, 2025
Collective bargaining occurs when a group of people in a workplace band together to increase their negotiating power.
Learn more about the collective bargaining process.
Frequently asked questions
What is collective bargaining?
Collective bargaining occurs when a group of people in a workplace band together to increase their negotiating power. There is a greater likelihood of success together than there is apart, so it is also about demonstrating our collective will and resolve.
These negotiations between employees and management lead to a legally binding collective agreement that details many of the terms and conditions of our employment, including wages, working conditions, job security, and more.
This collective agreement also ensures the employer consults with us and that we work collaboratively to seek solutions on matters that affect us. It means our workplaces are governed with transparency and fairness.
When does bargaining start?
Your Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario bargaining team has been hard at work to bargain your first contract - stay tuned for updates.
Existing terms and conditions of employment, such as pay, benefits, and hours of work, remain frozen in place until the first collective agreement comes into effect. The finalized agreement may have retroactive measures.
How will I get updates during bargaining?
Make sure your contact information with AMAPCEO is up-to-date and that you are signed up to receive AMAPCEO emails.
We will also continually update this webpage and the IPC home page with updates as they become available. And the union’s leadership will meet with members either virtually or in-person to update members on progress.
How will our bargaining goals be set?
Your bargaining team will conduct a survey amongst the IPC bargaining unit to identify bargaining priorities and issues of concern.
The bargaining team will analyze this information, put together a bargaining priorities document, and then meet with the unit again for feedback on this document
Why is it important to support my colleagues and union during bargaining?
Supporting your colleagues, the bargaining team, and our union, helps demonstrate our collective strength and our resolve to securing a fair contract. We are stronger together.
Union leadership and local AMAPCEO activists may also ask you to take specific actions to demonstrate your solidarity. This could include displaying a flag on your desk, using a union background during a video call, or attending an event.
These actions serve as proof of member cohesion and support for AMAPCEO. This can speed up the bargaining process and result in improved collective agreements for all members.