Wednesday, October 09, 2024
AMAPCEO members may recall that, in June, our fellow public service workers at the Professional Engineers Government of Ontario (PEGO) held their first-ever strike vote, which saw a strong 95% mandate in favour of strike action.
As of October 8, PEGO is in a strike position and has commenced a work-to-rule action.
AMAPCEO stands in solidarity with members of PEGO. PEGO members play a vital role in the planning, design, implementation, and maintenance of Ontario’s most important public infrastructure projects and programs.
Many AMAPCEO members work shoulder to shoulder with members of PEGO every day, providing high-quality public services to the people of Ontario.
AMAPCEO is confident that the full impact of PEGO’s work-to-rule actions will be felt immediately, and we hope that this impact will bring the Employer back to the bargaining table, ready to make a deal.
If you are being asked or encouraged by your manager to perform work that is normally performed by a PEGO member, we urge you to contact a Workplace Representative to report such a request right away.
“AMAPCEO members stand in solidarity with our PEGO colleagues,” said AMAPCEO President Dave Bulmer. “The public service work they perform is critical, and they deserve a fair, respectful contract that reflects that.”