Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Promoting and protecting the rights of all AMAPCEO members is my top priority as your union President. In that vein, I want to immediately address rumours AMAPCEO representatives have recently heard of some local managers not complying with the provisions of the OPS Collective Agreement. Specifically, our representatives have heard that some managers are refusing to consider new Alternative Work Arrangements (AWAs) or renew existing longer-term arrangements because of the false belief that the fledgling Future of Work flexibility policy promised by Treasury Board overrides the OPS Collective Agreement.
It does not, full stop. Local managers must consider new or renewed requests in good faith per Article 47 of the OPS contract, or the union will be in a position to grieve.
Likewise, your union has heard that employees are being told they can only book vacation credits for days that they are working from home – and that they cannot book time off for a “return to office” day. This, too, is false. Employees may request a vacation day anytime they wish, and their local manager must duly consider it in light of operational requirements.
Additionally, should an “office day” be approved for time off, the employee does not have to replace it by working another day in the office in person, unless the manager can present a genuine operational reason for the employee to do so.
Make no mistake: your collective agreement continues to apply—and all its provisions remain in force—until it is replaced by a new contract.
If your manager dishonours a request you believe to be consistent with the provisions of your agreement, I encourage you to contact a Workplace Representative. Our Workplace Representatives are trained volunteers who can help you understand and interpret your agreement and offer you assistance.
Your collective agreement and your union are strong, and they exist to protect you. I encourage all AMAPCEO members to know their rights, and to contact us if you have any questions.
Stronger together,
Dave Bulmer
President & CEO