Section: 4 - Financial Matters
Subsection: 4D - Reserve & Investment Policies
Created: 2003 | Last Revised: March 2021
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the AMAPCEO Labour Disruption Levy and Labour Disruption Reserve.
Labour Disruption Reserve
The Delegates established this Reserve in 2003. The reserve is designated to provide payment of member health premiums (subject to agreement by the Employer), any operational costs for labour disruption, hardship fund, and “strike pay” during a labour disruption.1
Labour Disruption Levy
AMAPCEO will segregate 10% of all member dues collected into the Labour Disruption Reserve. The segregated portion of AMAPCEO dues is referred to as the “Labour Disruption Levy.” The Board may also opt to transfer surplus funds from the Operating Reserve to the Labour Disruption Reserve at any time.
Funding Target
AMAPCEO has a goal of reaching a funding target of $40 million in the Labour Disruption Reserve by 2027.
Authorization for Reserve Draws
The Board is authorized to borrow against the Reserve Fund, or draw against it, following a positive vote authorizing job action held by the members of an AMAPCEO bargaining unit, or in the event of a legal lockout.
Funding Target Review
AMAPCEO will review the Labour Disruption Reserve Policy, including the Funding Target and the amount of the Labour Disruption Levy as part of each five-year strategic plan, in the event of a labour disruption, or when there is a significant change in status of the fund or the organization.
1 A separate “Strike Pay” policy sets the rate and related rules around strike or lockout pay. The policy is reviewed cyclically as part of preparation for collective bargaining, or as needed.