Wednesday, June 19, 2024
It’s been over a month since AMAPCEO filed a formal grievance against the Ontario Public Service (OPS) Employer for violating the Collective Agreement with its employees. This was done when the Employer decided to delay the negotiated 1% across-the-board (ATB) wage increases and remedy backpay for Bill 124.
The grievance, called an Association Dispute, demanded that wage increases be paid out immediately, and urged the Employer to be transparent on when members should now expect Bill 124 backpay. This dispute process is now well underway.
In the meantime, AMAPCEO has continued to advocate to the Treasury Board Secretariat on behalf of our 15,750 members in the OPS.
In response, the Employer has assured the union that it will:
- bring members’ salaries current (1% across-the-board wage increase) and update moving forward by mid-July 2024.
- distribute retroactive backpay for the arbitrated Bill 124 remedy by mid-fall of 2024.
Throughout this process, AMAPCEO has also been lobbying for members to receive easy access to their individual calculations.
"Our members have patiently awaited salary reparations for several months,” AMAPCEO President Dave Bulmer said. "The least the Employer can do is provide them a transparent means of verifying changes to their salary.”
AMAPCEO has been proactive since learning about the Employer’s unacceptable timeline. In addition to the formal grievance, nearly 6,500 people signed the union’s petition calling for no more pay delays. Members also took action on Thursday, May 13, wearing AMAPCEO navy blue to show their frustration with the Employer’s decision.